A Space Jog
A Space Jog
Project Overview: UCSD HackXR 2019. Attended over two days to create a space repairman VR game based off of the Space Odyssey movie. Situated outside a spacecraft orbiting the Sun, the player has to complete puzzles to unlock the main hatch to enter.
Outcome: Unlike last year, Github was rarely used because everyone wanted to check their work immediately. But with only one VR compatible computer we took turns, meaning that work got bottlenecked. I was the most experienced one, and learned there were more effective ways of distributing the work if I was willing to take the risk. We presented our project to the judges panel, who loved the immersion and atmosphere. We did not win a prize, but I walked out of the hackathon with a deeper understanding of being the leader as it was my first time being a database specialist.
Our Process
Brainstorm (game and mechanics)
Wireframe (mapping functions and puzzles)
Unity Development (sun, station, welder)
Unity Development (coding the puzzles)
Final Showcase and Presentation
My Role
Database Specialist, Level Developer
Advised team on how to use the HTC Vive
Inserted spawn points and assets into the world
Debugged raycast on welder
Coded triggers and conditions for puzzles in C#
Unity Development
Final Showcase

Christian Lay-Geng, Christie Shu, Kaiwen Tsou, Myles Wright
Special thanks to the staff and sponsors of HackXR for making the hackathon fun and the experience possible.