Les Etudes Tutoring


Les Etudes Tutoring

CLass project


Problem: The sudden virtual conditions set by COVID-19 made it difficult for students to motivate themselves. Online learning especially hurt K-12 students who are developing social skills. While parents are at home, they don’t develop their student’s emotional needs like someone else their age. College students also lost their jobs and internships as a result of COVID-19.

Solution: Our group created a tutoring app to help K-12 students continue to practice social skills with someone closer to their age. Students would get personalized attention and help in forums, especially with their college tutor. College students would gain resume experience and money with flexible hours.

Outcome: Our group and professor were pleased with the final product, although afterwards we came to some conclusions. K-12 students liked the app, but had mixed feelings about actually needing tutors. More K-12 interviews during the research may have revealed to us more pressing socializing issues. Feedback also suggested that the K-12 interface should be more interactive and kid-friendly, with less straight lines and more pictures.


Our Process

  1. Research (Questionnaire and Competitive Analysis)

  2. Interview (college students)

  3. Storyboard and Personas

  4. Brainstorm and Wireframe

  5. Create low-fi (Figma interactive prototype)

  6. User Test (college and K-12 students)

  7. Create high-fi (Figma interactive prototype)

  8. User Test (K-12 students)

  9. Final Presentation

My Roles

UX Designer

  • Conducted Interviews and User Tests with students

  • Led Brainstorming sessions to improve upon initial ideas

  • Developed the Dashboard, Profile, and Point screens on Figma

  • Added various intermediate screens to make the flow of the high-fi more natural



Asha Bacon, Phu Diec, Megan Dinh, Christian Lay-Geng, Jiayu Luo