

Hi I’m Christian.

I am a junior UX Designer interested in designing tech for social good. Currently searching for roles within the UIUX field. As a hobby I have delved into augmented and virtual reality.

Check out some of my works below!


Insight.UCSD Redesign

Challenge Researcher Ying Wu needs a new website to better showcase her lab’s work.

Role: Web Designer


Get It Done Redesign

Challenge: Get It Done wants to give users a better experience reporting and confirming their residential issues around San Diego.

Role: UX Consultant


Les Etudes Tutoring

Challenge: K-12 and College students suffer from a lack of social interaction under a remote learning environment.

Role: UX Designer



Challenge: Parkinson patients need a way to improve or test their driving in order to preserve their independence.

Role: UX Designer, Database Specialist